Pulse Powder Days

The Pulse Running & Fitness Shop is teaming up with the Bogus Basin Nordic Center to offer an amazing opportunity to show you not only how to maintain your fitness through the winter, but also how to improve it.
Learn both Classic Cross Country Skiing AND Skate Skiing with this Two-For-One Offer. The offer includes:
2-day pass for the Nordic trails
2 days of equipment rentals
2 days of lessons (one classic/one skate
The price is only $30 for both days. Choose your weekend before Bogus Basin Resort is officially open:
November 28-29 or
December 5-6
A few details about the sessions:
1st session starts at 10 am, so you should be there by 945 am (at the latest) to get outfitted with equipment
2nd sesson begins at 12 pm, so you should be there by 1145 am (at the latest) to get outfitted
Each session lasts approximately 1.5 hours
Each session can accomodate approximately 15 people, so be sure to get signed up early to get the session you want.
Sign up at The Pulse or call 208-884-1141. Reserve your spot today because space is limited. (Payment due upon registration.)