Virtual Idaho Run Series - V.I.Ru.S.

Registration is open - Click here to register.
There's a new virus hitting us and it's much better that the Corona Virus!
We’ve created a new race series to keep us motivated to reach our goals, AND these races won’t be cancelled! We’d like to invite you to join us for the V.I.Ru.S.. – Virtual Idaho Run Series.
The series will start the weekend of May 30th and go through June 27th. The series will consist of 5 races, one race each weekend with 2 different distances to choose from each time. You will have the option to run the course Thursday-Sunday, and you can run with a small group staying within the current state and CDC guidelines for social distancing. You will have to complete at least 3 of the 5 courses in order to be have completed the series. There will be 2 divisions-Competitive or Non Competitive. You need to sign up for one or the other before the series starts on May 30th. You will be able to drop from the Competitive to the Non-Competitive during the series, but you cannot move to Competitive after the series has started. All participants who complete the series will get a logo’d V.I.Ru.S. Buff.
We’ve created both Road and Trail courses in hopes we will get more of us out there motivating each other and reminding us we are going to make it through this!
Competitive Division
You will need to choose road or trail division prior to your first race since trail courses are often times a little more difficult and we want to make this as fair as possible. There will be overall top 3 male and female awards at the end of the series in both road and trail. You must run the exact course given. You may run the courses in a different order in case you’re out of town one weekend or ready for a longer distance before June 27th.
You must upload a snapshot of your watch including course and total time to the FB event page by Sunday night at 9PM of that week. I will post all competitors, times, and distances along with rankings each week and at the end of the series. I know this isn’t exactly ideal and there are ways to cheat the system, and an argument could be made that someone could have had better or worse race conditions than others, but given the current circumstance we have to make the best of the situation we’re in. If you run the competitive division, please treat it like a race, no stopping and starting your watch during the run so we have a more accurate time of how long it took you to complete it. Disable auto-pause on your watch.
How are Points Calculated?
Click here to see how points are calculated.
Non Competitive Division
You will have the same courses on the same weekends as the Competitive Division, but you will not have to turn in a snapshot including your times, just the course map. You can choose a combination of road and trail courses during the series. I will post all those who competed, and the total distance ran in the series, but not the times.
For safety reasons, the road courses will be on different sections of the greenbelt. I don’t think sending runners out on a non closed road is a safe way to go.
The cost for each competitive race is $15 and non competitive is $10. You will need to send an email to and let me know what division you want to do, Competitive or Non Competitive. If you choose Competitive you will need to include Road or Trail division. You can go to the 'Shop' page of our website each week you want to run and pay for the race, you can also stop in or call the shop to pay. You will also have the option to pay for 3 races at once or all 5 at once for a 1 race discount ($60 for Competitive or $40 for Non Competitive)
One more added incentive, you can run the races with your doggie if you have one. If you’d like to register your dog they’ll get their own series or finisher times and one of the very first Pulse Dirty Paws logo’d bandana! The dog bandana’s will be tie dye, which will match our race bibs 😊
Race distances are listed below. Click each distance for the written directions of the course. The trail distances of course will not be exact, but if you're in the competitive division it will be the same course as all others ran.
May 30th Click here for written trail course directions and here for written road directions
5K - Trail GPX
10 Miles - Trail GPX
June 6th Click here for written trail course directions and here for written road directions
5 Miles - Trail GPX
15 Miles - Trail GPX
June 13th Click here for written trail course directions and here for written road directions
8 Miles - Trail GPX
18 Miles - Trail GPX
June 20th Click here for written trail course directions and here for written road directions
12 Miles - Trail GPX
25 Miles - Trail GPX
June 27th Click here for written tail course directions and here for written road directions
15 Miles - Trail GPX
50k - Trail GPX