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MARCH Store Events

BOISE: Tuesday, March 8
What Motivates You to Move?

What:    "Staying the Course" 


Where:  The PULSE State Street store - 5622 W State Street, BOISE

When:   Tuesday, March 8, 2016, 6:15 pm - 7:15 pm


“If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with success unexpected in common hours.”  --Henry David Thoreau


This month in our "What Motivates You to Move?" session, we'll talk about how to stay the course. Any time you embark on a new venture, it's very exciting at the beginning. But after even a few weeks of working towards your goal, you may experience a false sense of security. Remember that everything is hard before it gets easy, and sometimes we are lured into thinking that we don't have to work as hard to "stay with it." We will walk through some tactics to help us stay on course. We'll provide journals for you to keep track of your progress towards achieving your dream. We also have a lending library of motivational, inspirational books for you to help you on your path. 


So join us  - a group of like-minded people on Tuesday, March 8, at The PULSE on State Street in Boise - people who can help inspire, challenge, and encourage you to "Move" from where you are now to where you want to be. Whether it's singing, running, walking, drawing, eating healthy foods, making a career change, or just spending more time in nature - we'll share with you some ways to Get Motivated to Move.


Call 208-258-7769 with any questions and to let us know that you want to come and BE Motivated! (There is no cost to attend, but we'd love to know that you're coming.)

MERIDIAN: Tuesday, March 8
FREE Video Gait Analysis with Therapeutic Associates


What:    Free Video Gait Analysis with Therapeutic Associates


Where:  The PULSE MERIDIAN store - 520 S Meridian Rd, #60, Meridian, ID 83642

When:   Tuesday, March 8, 2016, 6:00 pm

Who:     Anyone who is experiencing pain while running, is looking for the proper pair of shoes, is curious about running form


Brian Weiderman, PT, DPT, will do a whole body video assessment of your running form and foot strike. He and his associates will make recommendations and offer exercises to help keep you running strong!


Appointment times are 15 minutes each starting at 6pm. You must schedule an appointment as this clinic fills up fast.


All running shoes are 20% off when purchased at the clinic to help you take advantage of your video gait recommendations.


Call 208-884-1141 to schedule your 15-minute appointment.



BOISE: Wednesday, March 9
Ladies' Night at The PULSE


What:    Back by Popular Demand - Ladies' Night at The PULSE


Where:  The PULSE BOISE store - 5622 W State St, Boise, ID 83703

When:   Wednesday, March 9, 2016, 6:00 - 8:00 pm

Who:     Ladies only 


Join us for an evening of fun, food, drinks, games, raffles, and great local vendors of women-related products, including make-up, pottery, bras, and more. Super sales for one-night only.




BOISE: Tuesday, March 22
FREE Video Gait Analysis with Focus Physical Therapy


What:    Free Video Gait Analysis and Assessment with Michael Devitt


Where:  The PULSE BOISE store - 5622 W State St, Boise

When:   Tuesday, March 22, 2016, 6:00 pm

Who:     Anyone who is experiencing pain while running, is looking for the proper pair of shoes, is curious about                    running form, and wants to improve their quality of life


The Mission of Focus Physical Therapy is improving the quality of living in the Treasure Valley, one life at a time. And Michael Devitt, PT, DPT, OCS, is teaming up with The Pulse Running & Fitness Shop in Boise to improve your life.


Michael will do a full-body physical assessment of your running form and foot strike. Then he will make recommendations and offer exercises to improve the quality of your life.


An Oregon native, Michael has fallen in love with his adopted state of Idaho. He is an avid runner, a frequent drummer, an occasional cyclist, and a far-too-infrequent fly fisherman.


You must schedule an appointment as this clinic fills up fast.


All running shoes are 20% off when purchased at the clinic to help you take advantage of your video gait recommendations.


Call 208-258-7769 to schedule your 15-minute analysis with Mike.





BOISE: Wednesday, March 23
ART (Active Release Technique) demos by Dr. Mike Widmann

What:    Active Release Technique demos by chiropractor Mike Widmann


Where:  The PULSE BOISE store in Boise - 5622 W State St, Boise

When:   Tuesday, March 22, 2016 - 3 pm - 6 pm

Who:     Anyone who might need some relief from tight muscles. Dr Mike will also be demonstrating and applying Rock Tape to any nagging areas. 


Dr Mike Widmann, a Boise chiropractor (and runner) and founder of AlignHealth in Boise, will be providing Active Release Technique for those needing a little tweak before the PF runs. ART treatment is a hands-on touch system that allows a practitioner to diagnose and treat soft-tissue injuries. Soft tissue refers primarily to muscle, tendon, fascia, and nerves. Headache, back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, shin splints, shoulder pain, sciatica, plantar fasciitis, knee problems are just a few of the many conditions that can be resolved quickly and permanently with ART. These conditions all have important thing in common: they are often a result of overused muscles.



BOISE: Tuesday, March 29
Mobility, Flexibility, & Stability for Runners & Walkers


What:    Training Class on Mobility, Flexibility, & Stability for Runners & Walkers


Where:  The PULSE BOISE store - 5622 W State St, Boise

When:   Tuesday, March 29, 2016, 615 pm - 715 pm

Who:     Anyone who exercises ... runners, walkers, hikers, cyclists, people with tight muscles


Would you like to be stronger? More flexible? More stable? Then this is the class for you.


Tommy Hindman, USA Cycling Level 2 Coach, Master TRX instructor, personal trainer, (and overall great guy), will be teaching us how to be more mobile, flexible, and stable - not just on roads and trails, but in our daily lives. Developing functional flexibility and mobility helps you stay fit and helps prevent injuries. 


Tommy will teach a one-hour class on functional mobility and flexibility. Some of the benefits of this type of training include:

  • improved circulation

  • improved range of motion

  • improved posture

  • decreased joint stiffness

  • decreased muscle tension

  • increased relaxation


All shoes are 20% off when purchased at the class. Call 208-258-7769 with any questions.



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